Navos x Harlee - You & I

Infatuation, obsession, it's all about You & I.

Artist: Navos @navosmusic
Artist: Harlee @harleemusic
Track: You and I
Commissioner: John Hassay
Label: Universal Music
Label: Amy Collins
Label: Maya Egbo
Navos mgmt: Phil Morais
Navos mgmt: Josie Wilkinson
Navos mgmt: Anna Croitoru
Harlee mgmt: Robert Harvey
Directors’ rep: Marisa Garner & Associates @marisagarnerassociates
Director: Dan French @danthomasfrench
Executive Producer: Pilar Muro@pilmuro
Production Company: Papaya Films @papaya_films
DOP: Ben Cotgrove @bencotgrove
1st AD: Ahmos
Producer: Ben Pengilly
Production Manager: Shamara Adams
Focus Puller: Toby Harro
Loader: Anastasiya Cherkasyuk
Gaffer: Owain Morgan
Spark: Max Conran
Spark: Kahn Scott Mason
Spark: Ed Carey
Grip: Josh Tregunno
Art Director: Anthony Hensman
Art Assistant: Callum Pearson
Art Assistant: Blue Borely
Stylist: Sophia Katyea
Stylist Assistant: Scarlett Middleton
Stylist Navos: Olliver Sharp
Stylist Harlee: Natalie Michaelides
MUA: Louise Hall
MUA Assistant: Victoria Winfield
MUA Artists: Abbie
Hair Stylist Harlee: Rianna
Medic: Mick Mills
Casting Director: Kharmel Cochrane
Production Runner: Max Philips
Production Runner: James Barnham
Production Runner: Eliza Lewis
BTS Photo: Toby Yeo
BTS Video: Charles Rae
Leelah Voe
Lucas Jones
Jada Ashby-Gill
Hannah Brownlie
Daisy Crew
Andre Burton-March
Sam Denton
Jordan Cover
Offline Editors: Alec Gordon and Dan French
Online Editor: Carl Matthews
Colourist: Jack McGinity
Post Producer: Oana Anghel
Post Production Company: CHEAT